Online Design Portfolio

With the launch of, I've decided that I no longer want to use Movable Type as the backend for displaying my online portfolio. To make things short, it just didn't have the capabilites that I wanted such as being able to highlight a current project or a best project or even finished projects. I do suppose it would be possible to add fields to the database to do this, but then I'd have to do custom programming to show the results. I'm sure there'd be a way to write a plugin for MT as well, but I don't really think I'll be suggesting MT as a blogging/CMS solution to anyone anymore because wordpress is free and fast (PHP), not expensive and slow (perl). So why learn how to program plugins for a, in my mind, slowly dying blogging system software?

I've started looking at other online portfolio software -- stuff that's not just a blog or wiki backend -- like Open Source Portfolio. Turns out that this program is more of a collaborative suite between students and teachers that a way to create and manage an online design portfolio.

I then came across the "pay us to build/host your portfolio" sites like FolioLink. FolioLink was more aimed at the artistic designer where they'd show a simple image per page. That doesn't help me as much of what I do is behind the scenes -- not graphically beautiful and on the front page of all the sites. So I couldn't really use one of those types of sites either -- not that I would want to as I would have had to pay for it.

So I've definitely got to set out and start writing some code to take care of displaying my portfolio in a way that can only help me get a new job -- if that ever comes around.